Adrian Whitaker - rodilý mluvčí angličtina

Jazyk: angličtina
Location: Praha
Původem: British
Cena výuky: 500 CZK/hodinu
od 28.06.2019
Zlepšete si vaší angličtinu s bristkým rodilým mluvčím se 7 letou zkušeností. / Improve your English with a native British teacher with 7 years experience!
O lektorovi:

I'm a 35 year old freelancer, native of London, UK. My hobbies are old cars, attending wine tastings, and windsurfing. I've lived in Prague for 3 years teaching both through ESL schools as well as privately.

Umim cesky trosku ale domluvim se. Ziju v CR 3 roky.


Výuka a zkušenosti:

I generally use a conversational approach in my lessons using my own original teaching materials. Instead of relying too much on ESL textbooks, I keep my lessons spontaneous whilst focusing on a specific grammar theme or topic. This non-structured approach keeps lessons lively and interesting for my students and they learn loads of new grammar, lexus, and build their proficiency.

Your first lesson is FREE, so can try before you buy.

Individuals or groups are welcome!

Odpovědět na inzerát:
Zbývá ještě 2000 znaků.